Monday, 27 December 2010

Racking System

I spent alot of time looking round the 4x4 shows and looking at other peoples trucks, i then designed my own system that bolts to the seat and seat belt mounts, the original design shows an aluminium channel, this holds 3no 20lt jerry cans. Once it was in place i found there was room to move that to the left hand side and mount it on "L" brackets, there is also a similar setup to the right, this holds a 25lt water tank and 2no gas bottles, the water tank is pumped to a tap on the door.
Incorporated into the design is my cooker that slides out complete with 2no storage boxes, the cooker can also be permanently connected to the gas bottles.
6no gommo boxes slide underneath, also a removable 35lt fridge is fitted.
I have also slung a net across the ceiling of the truck to carry light stuff.
I had the metal framework made up by a local blacksmith £150, i then bought a sheet of 1/2" WSB plywood £30, cheap carpet £25, ancillaries glue, nuts/bolts/paint £50, total £255, buy a pre built one for £600 to £800, so massive saving to be had!


After doing a bit of research and shopping around i decided to go for an Old Man Emu system, i went for heavy duty springs on the rear, and medium springs to the front, because i have to carry alot of kit in the rear, this is supposed to give it a 2omm lift, in real life it is alot more than that.
I purchased it from TBR UK.

Bull Bar and Snorkle

After alot of searching i managed to find a snorkle that would fit my truck, it had to be modified slightly as it was for a different sized engine, the intake tube had to be moved, i did this by cutting a new hole in the snorkel, removed the tube, inseted it in the new hole and sealed/stuck it in place useing bodywork sealer/glue, i blanked off the old hole using the same method.
I wanted some extra protection to the front of the truck, but i didn't wan't to compromise the classic looks, i found a genuine, new old stock bull bar on ebay, this is a heavy duty bar like they used to be, a couple of modifactions had to be done, it bolted nicely to the chassis underneath, but fouled the bumper, so i had to alter the height of the bumper and make new brackets to allow the bull bar to mount to the top of the chassis.